My grandmother had almost no belongings, just one small suitcase containing the light clothing she had brought on her summer vacation. At the station, train after train was leaving, taking a continuous stream of people away from the front. .... When my grandfather and his colleagues left Kiev in 1941 and joined the partisans in the forests, they were ordered to move into the occupied village of Nosovka, in the guise of ordinary residents, to set up an underground cell. ...
autor: bart zaslal: 16 září 2007 21:09 (gmt 2) já bychse teda taky přikláněl spíš k direktu mezi voči než vyslovený písmenko, ale... když sou tu samý takový chytrý lidi (nic ve zlym), víte jak je šestej pád plurálu od slova "německo"? ...